Over some drinks, last week, someone remarked how in some communities parents want their daughters to be married only to someone settled in the US. Now along those lines there were some other comments like "I will never go there", "And I am proud to be an Indian" and "I never felt at home there or could never somehow call that place my home". Anyway that apart, Fahrenheit 9/11 was coming on TV and there is one segment where they show how on a regular basis the US have invaded countries. That got me thinking...
In 1998 the US bombed a far away country and destroyed a primary school and an Asprin like drug making factory. They never helped Rwanda but they happily went and flattened Iraq twice. They gave Osama 3 billion to spend and god knows how much more to Saddam to fight against Iran. They have assassinated probably half a dozen presidents and leaders in South American countries throwing these countries in chaos and sending them spiraling into further poverty and then installing puppet dictators.
What I am getting at is my country has never done that. We have never invaded anyone. Despite having one of the worst neighbours ever possible we have never been the aggressor against even them. We have the worst corrupt politicians but still we have never bombed a primary school. We have never bred hate and violence in such blatant forms to satisfy the greed of the elite rich and the so called "corporations". I can safely say that our collective conscience is clear in this matter. This makes a big difference in my mind, proud of that record...
Che Guevara
The second thing that I quickly wanted to write, came to me while watching Motorcycle Diaries. The movie is about Che Guevara. While living in Los Angeles I had read and known about him but hadn't seen the movie as yet. The movie covers Ernesto Guevara and his friend taking a road trip on a rickety motorcycle across South America. Something changed in him during this trip. He saw the economic disparity in the countries he traveled through and that changed him to become one of the most influential leaders who fought for the weak and poor. His photo (below) is among the most recognized pictures in the world. Che, which became his famous nickname meaning "man" or "pal", is the symbol in the fight against inequality and injustice all around the world.
But what sort of popped in my head was a song that AC/DC plays in their live shows called Bonny. Angus Young, one of my all time favorite guitarists, plays a very soulful version of this song. Anyway the song goes:
So did Che Guevara take the high road or the low road? I am not sure. Don't get me wrong, there is no doubt his intentions were righteous and I find what he accomplished very admirable and inspiring. But was it the high road? Now let me ask you if Gandhiji's road was the high one or the low one??? I have no doubt as to which road it was...I`ll take the high road
And you`ll take the low road
And I`ll be in Scotland afore ye
Apparently Che was inspired by Gandhiji and claimed armed conflict was never his first option but looks like finally revolución was the only option he was left with...
Let's quit our jobs and go on a trip too. We dont need to tour south Asia. There's lots to see and experience right here.. in India.
Lets see how much that adds to our pride. Or dents it.
Care has to be used before such blanket statements are made. India didn't go to Rwanda either. India creates havoc every rainy season in Bangladesh by opening up the dams. Yes, this war in Iraq is just stupid, and most people even in the US are against it. But...there are a lot of good people here with a conscience, especially in universities and schools. I have tons of friends who are teaching pretty much for free in Central America, and providing medical help in Africa. How many do you know in India who are doing that? I have a lot of Indian friends here who basically use up all their free time for ASHA and other charity work. How many do you know around you who do that?
The war in Iraq is terrible, and stupid. Yes, this present government is the pits. But there are a lot of good people who live here, and who do a lot of good all over the world. Till you and your friends do something, and take some actions to help others, you will just remain armchair critics. That's very easy to do, by the way, and can be done while "having a few drinks".
And yes, I am as patriotic an Indian as you will find.
You are right, but my intention was not to blanket everyone under my statements. The statements are mainly directed at the current and past administrations.
Post graduate universites there are by far the best in the world, by a mile. And I also know people like Bhawani and Monx working hard with ASHA, CRY etc...But we are no couch critics either :)
No bad intentions on your side or mine; just an open discussion. Cheers,
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