- Increase veg/fruit intake: Reduce (note it is reduce not remove) eating meals based predominantly around carbohydrates (cereals, toast, sandwiches, rice, pasta) to those based on fruit or vegetables. Example reduce 1 chappati put more veg on the plate and so on.
- Watch the dinner, time of dinner as well: Finish as early as possible and keep simple carbohydrates to minimum i.e. no to minimum rice etc. Reduce night meal portion increase morning meals, breakfast = big. Do more stuff like that.
- Related to the point above, watch intake of simple carbohydrates: Read this link and make your own list of food items http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbohydrate#Nutrition
- H2O: Drink water. Even very mild levels of dehydration will slow the metabolism and can result in over eating by confusing signals of thirst with hunger